IT'S NOT THAT IT DIDN'T FEEL REAL BEFORE, it just feels different this semester. After my first weekend of classes, I am experiencing excitement and fear all rolled into one big emotion. My heart is beating fast in my chest and, at times, it's as if I can actually feel my blood as it courses through my veins.
Part of me thinks it's because our profs are regularly giving us tips and suggestions and even sharing with us us how they will feel when they witness our graduation. One teacher said she will cry when she watches (she also admitted that she cries at all graduations -- even when kindergarten children advance to the first grade).
Our instructors are talking about the importance of networking as they give us information about events, conferences, and gatherings of professional social workers. They are strongly suggesting that we immediately sit for the LMSW right after graduation.
Some moments, it's almost more than I can handle. At other times, I am absolutely ready. Bring it on, I say!
I guess it's part of the educational process for our professors to prepare us for what comes next. Their speeches are mixtures of "atta girl and boy" dialogs tempered with a call for deep reflection.
Exciting. Scary. Real. That's what it's all about today.
~Ms. T. J.
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